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Look what the Lord has done already in the first 6 months of 2024!
Ribbon Cutting NAACCC
Thank you, Northern Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commerce (NAACCC) for taking the time to help recognize CLJC Life Center!
Ribbon Cutting - Ministers
Introduction of CLJC Life Center to the community! Kick-off to the work in the Hilltop Community!
Cutting the ribbon
Ready, get set, let's go to work!
Cutting the ribbon - group
Praise Jesus!
Ribbon cutting BBQ
Fidel and Keith cooking some great food!
Members and Guests at the Ribbon Cutting
Members and guests gathering as witnesses of this great occasion
Thanksgiving Sundays
Every 1st Sunday is Thanksgiving Sunday. Give praise to God for all He has done! Testimonies are given and celebration of birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions!
Cutting the cake!
Happy Anniversary! Happy Graduation! and Happy Birthday!
Getting the Cosignment ready
Describe your image
Going through donations
Describe your image
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